Transforming Digital Identity with AI and Blockchain – with Sandy Carter, COO of Unstoppable Domains

How can AI and blockchain redefine your personal brand in the digital age? 

Join us on Web3 CMO Stories as we sit down with Sandy Carter, COO of Unstoppable Domains, for an insightful conversation about the future of digital identity. Sandy shares her remarkable journey over the past years, including her empowering initiative, Unstoppable Women of Web3 and AI, which has trained over 55,000 women. Discover how Unstoppable Domains is leveraging AI to revolutionize coding, documentation, customer support, and marketing. Sandy also teases her book, "The Tiger and the Rabbit," a business fable that simplifies complex technologies like blockchain and AI through engaging storytelling and actionable frameworks.

Explore the transformative shift from Web2 to Web3 and understand why "on-chain" is becoming the new norm, much like "online" was in the early days of the internet. Sandy delves into the importance of personal branding in this evolving digital landscape and how Unstoppable Domains' new marketplace for on-chain applications is setting new standards. We also discuss the evolution of tech terminologies, from "Metaverse" to "digital twins," and what's next on the horizon. This episode is a treasure trove of forward-thinking perspectives and invaluable insights, making it a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of AI, Web3, and digital identity.

Understanding Digital Identity in the Web3 Era

Digital identity is increasingly important in the evolving landscape of Web3, serving as a cornerstone for personal branding and community engagement. It represents the essence of who individuals are online, encapsulating everything from the communities they belong to, the events they attend, to the educational certifications they have earned. Platforms like offer a glimpse into this future, providing a more dynamic and interconnected version of digital identity—far beyond the capabilities of traditional platforms like LinkedIn.

Future Applications of Digital Identity in Healthcare

One of the most promising applications of digital identity is within the healthcare sector. Imagine a world where your complete medical history is securely stored within your digital identity, accessible only to authorized healthcare providers. This would allow for seamless sharing of information between specialists, reducing the chances of misdiagnosis due to fragmented records. For instance, data from your allergist, dentist, and general practitioner could be harmonized, providing a comprehensive overview for more accurate diagnoses and treatments.

This approach not only improves patient outcomes but also addresses inefficiencies in the current healthcare system. Additionally, digital identities could secure essential documents such as birth certificates, driver’s licenses, and property titles. This idea is particularly impactful when considering scenarios like the recent challenges faced by individuals in Venezuela, where retrieving lost birth certificates becomes nearly impossible due to the destruction of records.

Digital Identity for Communities and Brands

The power of digital identity extends beyond individuals. It plays a crucial role in building and uniting communities, as evidenced by the efforts seen with brands like Pudgy Penguins and initiatives in cities like Austin. These branded digital identities are designed to foster community engagement, driving value by providing a focal point around which people can rally. As Web3 technologies continue to mature, the integration of digital identity will become even more vital, offering new ways for communities to connect and thrive.

The Power of Community in Web3

In the rapidly evolving Web3 space, the importance of strong community engagement cannot be overstated. Successful Web3 projects often differentiate themselves through the strength of their communities, much like AWS did by creating a festival-like culture around its services. This strategy, which included everything from Guinness World Record attempts to community-driven events, transformed AWS into a tribe, creating a competitive edge in the market.

Building Successful Web3 Communities

This principle of community-driven success is vividly demonstrated by the Pudgy Penguins brand. Their CEO, Luca Netz, understands that the strength of their community is a critical factor in their success. By fostering a strong brand identity and engaging their followers, Pudgy Penguins has cultivated a dedicated and passionate community.

At Unstoppable Domains, the creation of branded digital identities for projects like Pudgy Penguins and the city of Austin has further enhanced this process. These identities serve as a unifying force for communities, making it easier for individuals to connect, engage, and find value within the Web3 ecosystem. The accessibility and simplicity of these digital identities are key to broadening the appeal of Web3 technologies, ultimately driving wider adoption and deeper community engagement.

Leveraging AI for Marketing and Business Growth

AI has become a transformative force in marketing and business growth, particularly when combined with human creativity and strategic insight. At Unstoppable Domains, Sandy Carter and her team have leveraged AI across various functions, including coding, documentation, customer support, and marketing. This integration has been especially powerful in initiatives like Unstoppable Women of Web3 and AI, where AI has played a role in training 55,000 women in the space, demonstrating its potential to drive both empowerment and business success.

Integrating AI into Marketing Strategies

For marketers, AI offers numerous opportunities to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Whether through automating repetitive tasks, generating personalized content, or analyzing vast amounts of data to uncover trends, AI can significantly improve marketing outcomes. For example, AI-driven content generation can help create more personalized customer experiences, while AI-based analytics can provide deeper insights into consumer behavior, allowing for more targeted campaigns.

Real-World Applications of AI

Beyond marketing, AI has broad applications across various business functions. In customer service, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide 24/7 support, enhancing customer satisfaction. In product development, AI can optimize the design and testing process, leading to better products. AI also improves operational efficiency by automating routine tasks, freeing up human resources for more strategic initiatives.

However, the implementation of AI is not without its challenges. Concerns such as job displacement, ethical considerations, and the potential for bias need to be addressed. Sandy emphasizes that by adopting a collaborative approach where humans and AI work together, and by prioritizing ethical guidelines and continuous employee education, these challenges can be mitigated.

The Power of Language in Marketing

The terminology used in marketing can significantly influence perception. For example, the term “Web3” often carries negative connotations associated with speculation, whereas “onchain” evokes a sense of value and security. This shift in language reflects an evolving understanding of blockchain technology, making it more accessible and appealing to a broader audience.

Future Trends in Onchain Applications

The use of “onchain” is expected to proliferate as more aspects of daily life become integrated with blockchain technology. From digital identity to property ownership, the potential for onchain applications is immense. This shift is already evident in healthcare startups and city initiatives that are digitizing essential documents, providing citizens with more secure and efficient ways to manage their personal records.

Exploring the Unstoppable Marketplace for Onchain Applications

The Unstoppable Marketplace stands as a pioneering platform for discovering onchain applications. By showcasing a wide array of applications, it demystifies blockchain technology and highlights its potential to revolutionize various industries. This marketplace is not just about transactions; it’s about showcasing the value of being onchain, offering users enhanced security, programmability, and transparency.

Future Developments: Expanding the Horizons of Onchain

The future of onchain technology is bright, with tokenization and blockchain integration expected to become integral to many aspects of life. Whether it’s for managing property titles or digital certifications, the possibilities are vast. Sandy Carter and the team at Unstoppable Domains are committed to staying at the forefront of this revolution, continuously expanding the marketplace to include even more innovative applications.

AI, Communities, and Digital Identities: The Future of Marketing

The convergence of AI, community building, and digital identity is set to shape the future of marketing. By leveraging AI, marketers can enhance their strategies with improved efficiency and deeper insights. Building strong communities will continue to be a key differentiator for Web3 projects, driving engagement and loyalty. Digital identities, now more critical than ever, provide a powerful tool for personal branding and community connection.

Harnessing the Power of AI, Blockchain, and Digital Identity

The future of marketing lies in the intersection of AI, blockchain, and digital identity. These technologies together offer the potential to create more personalized, secure, and engaging experiences for users. Sandy Carter emphasizes that marketers who can effectively harness these tools will be well-positioned to lead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Addressing the Challenges of AI Implementation

As powerful as AI is, it is crucial to address the challenges that come with its implementation. Issues like unconscious bias in AI systems must be proactively managed through diversity, ethical AI development, and robust data governance practices. Continuous training and collaboration across teams are also essential to ensure responsible and effective use of AI.

The Importance of Staying Updated with Tech Trends

In the fast-paced world of marketing, staying updated with emerging technologies is vital. By understanding and experimenting with new tools, marketers can maintain a competitive edge and continue to innovate. AI, blockchain, and digital identity are not just buzzwords; they are transformative technologies that are reshaping the industry.

Practical Steps for Experimentation with New Technologies

Marketers should adopt a structured approach to experimenting with new technologies. This involves starting with small pilot projects, collaborating with experts, prioritizing data governance, and educating the team. By doing so, they can effectively integrate new tools into their strategies and drive innovation.

Networking in the Web3 and AI Space

Networking is a powerful tool for staying ahead in the Web3 and AI space. Engaging with thought leaders and communities on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram provides valuable insights and opportunities for collaboration. Building strong relationships in these spaces can lead to partnerships that drive innovation and growth.

The Transformative Convergence of AI, Blockchain, and Digital Identity

The convergence of AI, blockchain, and digital identity is where the real potential lies in the future of marketing. These technologies, when combined, create transformative solutions that offer enhanced security, transparency, and personalized experiences. Sandy Carter points out that by staying engaged with these emerging trends, marketers can continue to innovate and create compelling brand experiences.

Embrace the Future: The Power of Community and Technology

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, embracing the power of community and technology is essential for success. By fostering strong communities, staying connected with industry leaders, and leveraging emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, and digital identity, marketers can stay ahead of the curve and drive business growth.


The integration of AI, blockchain, and digital identity within the marketing strategy represents the next frontier for innovation. Sandy Carter’s insights highlight the importance of understanding these technologies and actively engaging with communities. By doing so, marketers can build stronger brands, foster deeper connections, and create more effective campaigns. The future of marketing lies in the ability to harness these tools, adapt to new trends, and continually innovate in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Joeri Billast and Sandy Carter of Unstoppable Domains, at EthCC in Brussels

Joeri Billast and Sandy Carter of Unstoppable Domains, at EthCC in Brussels


[01:14] Sandy, it's been two years since you last joined us. Could you share some significant developments in your professional journey since then? 

[02:57] Your book, 'The Tiger and the Rabbit,' is a business fable on Web3 technologies. Could you briefly share the concept and how you came up with using a fable? 

[05:04] Can you explain what a digital identity in Web3 is for those who might not be familiar? 

[08:13] You mentioned that the future is on-chain. Could you talk a bit more about that? 

[11:48] When people think of Web3, they often associate it with crypto and speculation, but it's much more than that. Would you like to add anything on that? 

[13:00] What are your thoughts on metaverse as a term, especially with the growing focus on spatial computing? 

[15:04] Can you explain what the Unstoppable Marketplace is and what it's about for those who might not be familiar? 

[16:03] What is the Unstoppable Marketplace like today, and is there anything upcoming that you can share? What are you most excited about right now? 



“The Rabbit and the Tiger is basically a primer on what is blockchain, what is artificial intelligence, what are a lot of the new technologies coming out in very simple terms.” 

“Digital identity is essentially your identity online and it's really important because, basically, it represents who you are and, if you think about it from a marketing perspective, it essentially represents your personal brand online.” 

“The community is the project and the project is community.” 

“I do believe that there will be a term. Maybe it's 3D internet. I don't know. There will be something that comes for the metaverse. The metaverse don't count it out.” 

“I think maybe metaverse as a term is burned too. Now the hottest topic is digital twin. So if you think about it, a digital twin is created as a digital replica of something that you are.” 



Unstoppable Domains: 





About the author, JoeriBillast

Fractional CMO
Web3 Marketing Strategist
Bestselling Author on Amazon
Host of the Web3 CMO Stories podcast