From Ethereum to Bitcoin: The OnChainMonkey Migration Story with Amanda Terry

Could the world be a better place through Web3 innovation?

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Join us as Amanda Terry, co-founder of Metagood and a leader in the Web3 space, takes us on her extraordinary journey from the traditional realms of Twitter and NBC to pioneering impactful projects like OnChainMonkey. Amanda reveals how her team launched the first-ever 10K PFP collection onchain in a single Ethereum transaction, aligning community interests for global good. Learn about Metagood's bold venture into Bitcoin with the Ordinals Protocol and the challenges they faced while migrating users from Ethereum to Bitcoin.

Dive into the dynamic world of Web3 as we discuss emerging communication tools like Gigaverse, set to revolutionize real-time interactions within NFT communities. Amanda also offers insights into her investment strategies at ACTAI Ventures, focusing on the societal benefits of digitization through crypto and AI startups.

Explore the future of digital art on blockchain with groundbreaking projects like OCM Dimensions and Osura, offering new horizons for artists on Bitcoin. To top it off, Amanda shares her personal philosophies on entrepreneurship, emphasizing alignment, grit, and the pursuit of fulfilling ventures. This episode promises a rich blend of innovation, strategy, and heartfelt wisdom from a true visionary

Embracing Innovation and Community in the Web3 Space: A Podcast Recap with Amanda Terry

In a recent episode of the Web3 CMO Stories podcast, Joeri Billast spoke with Amanda Terry, a pioneering entrepreneur and investor. Amanda, who is the co-founder and CEO of MetaGood as well as a partner at ACTAI Ventures, brings over 20 years of experience in digital media sales and business development. This conversation touches on the future of blockchain technology, community building, and the role of NFTs in the digital art space.

Aligning Community Interests for Positive Impact

Amanda emphasizes the importance of aligning community interests and incentives to drive meaningful, real-world impact. By making opportunities accessible to communities on a larger scale, organizations like Metagood are creating environments where everyone can actively participate. With technology like OnchainMonkey, community members are not just spectators but owners who engage with the platform using tokens.

The Transition from Web2 to Web3

Amanda’s journey into Web3 began with her realization of the power of blockchain technology. She contrasts Web2, where users are treated as the product in ad-based models, with Web3, which allows community members to drive value creation. Through NFTs, community members have more control and participation in the ecosystem.

Innovating with OnchainMonkey

A key highlight in the discussion is the success of OnchainMonkey, a collection of 10,000 NFTs recorded in a single Ethereum transaction. Amanda credits the innovative thinking of MetaGood’s CEO, Danny Yang, for pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on blockchain. OnChainMonkey’s transition from Ethereum to Bitcoin reflects their commitment to leveraging the best of both networks.

Understanding Bitcoin Ordinals for Digital Ownership

Amanda explains the critical differences between NFTs on Ethereum and Bitcoin. Ethereum-based NFTs often rely on off-chain storage, meaning the digital assets could be compromised if the project creators decide to change or discontinue them. In contrast, Bitcoin Ordinals allow art and data to be permanently inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain, offering a level of ownership that cannot be altered or removed by creators.

Strategies for Building Strong Blockchain Communities

At the heart of Metagood’s strategy is building a resilient, values-based community. Amanda discusses the importance of organizing events like Twitter Spaces, poker tournaments, and in-person meetups to maintain engagement. Metagood’s core values—respect, integrity, sustainability, and enrichment—serve as the foundation for community building and long-term commitment.

Leveraging Past Experience for Success in Web3

Drawing on her background at Twitter and other startups, Amanda highlights the need for better communication tools in NFT communities. She shares her enthusiasm for platforms like Gigaverse, which is working to enhance community interactions through more authentic engagement options. Amanda stresses the importance of investing in tools that foster deeper connections within Web3 communities.

Evaluating Startups for Impactful Investments

Amanda also provides insight into her investment approach at ACTAI Ventures. She and her team look for startups that not only embrace digitization for scalability but also aim to make a positive societal impact. ACTAI Ventures focuses on structural changes in markets and evaluates startups based on team strength, market potential, and their alignment with sustainability goals.

The Future of Digital Art on Blockchain

Amanda is optimistic about the future of digital art, particularly as blockchain technologies like Bitcoin enable more secure and transparent ownership models. Platforms such as Osura support digital artists in showcasing their work while ensuring their ownership rights are protected. Metagood’s collaboration with artists like Patrick Amadon and Alexi Andre showcases how blockchain can revolutionize the art world.

The Growing Excitement for Web3 and Crypto

Amanda believes that the future of crypto is bright, particularly with the increasing regulatory clarity in markets like the U.S. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have the potential to disrupt industries by providing more freedom, transparency, and efficiency. She remains excited about the potential for Web3 to drive significant innovation in the years ahead.

Personal Principles for Entrepreneurial Success

Amanda closes the conversation by offering advice for aspiring entrepreneurs. She encourages individuals to stay true to their motivations and find alignment in their personal and professional lives. Passion and perseverance, she believes, are key drivers of long-term success in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Key Takeaways:

1.Aligning community interests with incentives is essential for driving positive impact.

2.Web3 shifts value creation from centralized models to community-driven ecosystems.

3.OnChainMonkey’s journey from Ethereum to Bitcoin showcases innovation in NFTs.

4.Bitcoin Ordinals ensure digital ownership with data permanently inscribed on the blockchain.

5.Building strong communities in Web3 requires clearly defined core values.

6.Effective communication tools, like Gigaverse, can enhance community interactions.

7.Investments in Web3 should focus on digitization and positive societal impact.

8.Blockchain technology is transforming digital art by offering secure ownership models.

9.The future of crypto is promising, with growing adoption and regulatory clarity.

10.Entrepreneurial success depends on passion, perseverance, and alignment with personal values.

By embracing these principles, entrepreneurs and marketers can navigate the complex but exciting landscape of Web3 and blockchain technology. Stay tuned for more insights from the Web3 CMO Stories podcast, where industry leaders share their experiences and predictions for the future.

Joeri Billast and Amanda Terry

Joeri Billast and Amanda Terry


[01:25] What inspired your shift from traditional digital media to leading in the Web3 space? 

[04:22] Can you elaborate on OnChainMonkey's historic 10K PFP collection and share some challenges and lessons from that project? 

[07:13] Could you explain the differences between Bitcoin and traditional NFTs, and the significance of transitioning from on-chain markets to Bitcoin? 

[09:04] What strategies have you found most effective for building a strong, engaged community around your projects? 

[11:00] What key lessons from your business development and sales experience at companies like Twitter have you applied to your Web3 ventures? 

[12:46] How do you identify and evaluate startups that promise growth while also creating societal benefits? 

[15:14] How do you see blockchain advancements shaping the future of digital art? 

[18:06] What are you most excited about right now in your companies or the market? 

[20:58] What personal philosophies or guiding principles have helped you in the fast-paced tech and entrepreneurship world, and what advice would you give to those looking to make an impact in the Web3 space? 



Community building is key, obviously, in Web3. It really comes down to core values, articulating values that attract the type of people you want in your community.” 

“I think at the end of the day, just looking at what motivates you and being really clear about why you are starting a company is crucial.” 

I get really excited about finding companies that are reducing the friction and making it easier to use crypto.” 

Life is too short; you have to give energy to things that give energy back to you. 

I think there's a lot of opportunity around layer twos that have real-world applications.” 



Danny Huuep: 




ACTAI Ventures: 





About the author, JoeriBillast

Fractional CMO
Web3 Marketing Strategist
Bestselling Author on Amazon
Host of the Web3 CMO Stories podcast