AI and Web3 Synergy:’s Approach to Secure Model Training – with Jiahao Sun

What if you could harness the power of AI without compromising your data privacy? 

Join us as we welcome Jiahao Sun, the trailblazing founder and CEO of, who shares his incredible journey from Oxford to leading innovative AI initiatives in the financial sector. Jiahao reveals the birth of, a groundbreaking platform that ingeniously marries federated learning with blockchain technology, ensuring sensitive data stays secure and local. 

Dive into the importance of community-driven AI development and understand the potential hazards of data misuse, which Jao compares to the perils of bioweapons targeting DNA.

Explore the revolutionary applications of decentralized AI across various industries as Jiahao highlights secure AI companions, financial transaction bots, and groundbreaking healthcare solutions like glucose monitoring. Discover the crucial role of privacy in these applications, particularly within the Web3 landscape. Get excited about the future of AI and metaverses with upcoming advancements like GPT-5's enhanced multimodal capabilities. 

Finally, understand how cutting-edge technologies like zero-knowledge proofs and fully homomorphic encryption will reshape privacy-preserving machine learning. Learn how you can engage with Flockio's unique offerings and be a part of this transformative journey.

Revolutionizing AI with Decentralization: An Insightful Conversation on the Reptree CMO Stories Podcast

Welcome, readers! Today, we delve into a fascinating conversation from the Web3 CMO Stories Podcast, where host Joeri Billast sits down with Jiahao Sun to discuss his innovative venture, This platform is paving the way for decentralized AI models and redefining how sensitive data is utilized and protected.

Introduction to

Joeri opens the episode with an introduction to Jiahao, the founder and CEO of, a community-driven platform that facilitates the creation of on-chain decentralized AI models. Jiahao begins by sharing his journey and background, which includes graduating in computer science from Oxford, followed by a significant career in AI within traditional financial industries. His extensive experience led him to recognize the critical issue of data silos within industries, sparking the inspiration for

Addressing the Data Privacy Challenge

The Birth of

Jiahao explains that AI models require vast, high-quality data to be effective. However, industries are often reluctant to share their private data due to privacy concerns. This challenge prompted Jiahao to consider new technologies that could securely handle this data without compromising privacy. leverages federated learning and blockchain technology to enable decentralized AI training while maintaining data privacy.

Federated Learning and Blockchain Synergy

Federated learning allows data to remain local while enabling AI models to learn from decentralized data sets. By incorporating blockchain, enhances this process by adding a layer of secure governance, ensuring that the training models are decentralized and trustworthy. Jiahao highlights that this technology was first introduced by Google and is now commonly used in personal recommendation systems on smartphones.

The Role of Community in Decentralized AI

Incentivizing Contributions

Joeri and Jiahao discuss the importance of community in the development of decentralized AI models. Blockchain technology not only provides governance but also offers clear incentive structures. Contributors to a model, whether through data or algorithms, can transparently receive incentives proportional to their contributions. This transparency aids in building long-term relationships and strategies around the AI models.

Democratization of AI

Jiahao emphasizes the significance of democratizing AI. Instead of a centralized entity dictating AI development and usage, a decentralized model allows diverse communities to influence and govern AI models based on their unique preferences and ideologies. This approach can prevent biases and ensure more inclusive and representative AI outcomes.

Technological Advancements and Applications

Exciting Innovations

Jiahao provides insights into the most exciting advancements in the decentralized AI and Web3 space. Technologies like fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) and zero-knowledge proofs (ZK) are being integrated into AI systems to enhance data privacy during transmission and training. actively supports and publishes research on these technologies to promote more secure AI training processes.

Real-world Applications

Jiahao shares various use cases of decentralized AI on’s platform, highlighting the highest volume use case of AI companions. These AI-driven applications offer personalized interactions while keeping user data secure. Other notable applications include transaction bots for financial services and healthcare solutions like glucose monitoring for patients, demonstrating the practical benefits and impact of decentralized AI across industries.

The Future of AI and Metaverse Integration

AI in the Metaverse

The conversation shifts to the potential integration of AI within the metaverse. Jiahao envisions a future where AI not only powers interactions in virtual worlds but also ensures the privacy and security of users’ data. AI can drive the creation and management of digital twins, enhancing the immersive and interactive experiences within the metaverse.

Upcoming Technological Milestones

Looking ahead, Jiahao is excited about the capabilities of GPT-5, which promises to bring multimodal understanding to AI. This advancement will enable AI to process and reason about diverse types of inputs, from text to images and videos, fostering more sophisticated and intuitive AI applications.


This episode of the Reptree CMO Stories Podcast offers a compelling glimpse into the transformative potential of decentralized AI. represents a significant leap forward in addressing data privacy challenges and democratizing AI development. With ongoing innovations and a strong community-driven approach, decentralized AI is poised to reshape industries and enhance our digital experiences.

Key Takeaways

  1. Decentralized AI Models: leverages federated learning and blockchain to maintain data privacy while training AI models.
  2. Community Engagement: Blockchain technology ensures transparent incentives for contributors, fostering active community participation.
  3. Technological Integration: Advanced technologies like FHE and ZK are being integrated to secure AI data transmission and training.
  4. Real-world Applications: Decentralized AI is already impacting finance, healthcare, and personalized AI companions.
  5. AI in the Metaverse: Future integrations of AI within the metaverse promise enhanced digital twin interactions and data security.

For those interested in exploring more about and its innovative approach to decentralized AI, visit their website at Stay tuned for more exciting developments in this space!

Joeri Billast and Jiahao Sun at EthCC 2024

Joeri Billast and Jiahao Sun at EthCC 2024


[00:49] Could you share your journey and what inspired you to create, along with an overview of your company?

[03:54] I love it when technologies like AI, Web3, and decentralization come together, especially in protecting personal and sensitive data. Could you talk more about that?

[06:14] How does engage and empower its community to contribute to developing decentralized AI models?

[08:57] What are the most exciting advancements in decentralized AI you're seeing, and how is contributing?

[10:45] Can you give examples from the industry or clients on how decentralized AI is being used?

[13:13] I’m intrigued by the trend towards virtual worlds, especially with privacy aspects. Do you see integration possibilities for in the Metaverse?

[17:21] With rapid changes in this space, what do you see coming up later this year or next? Could you give us a glimpse into the future?


AI models are only good when it comes to those real, private, high-quality datas. So that drew me the consideration and thinking about how we can have a system or a new technology that can actually solve this problem.”

“AI is getting more and more important and more and more powerful in the future, right, your private data might essentially becoming your DNAs.”

“This is probably our industry. Always there's a hype of one thing and then suddenly it go faded. But AI is a long-term stream.”

“I think one of the most interesting thing to me is GPT-5 and the capabilities of GPT-5, which I believe it will include the multimodal capability.”

“You can't really imagine when we do a zero-knowledge proof machine learning or when we do fully homomorphic encryption machine learning. It might take 100 years to actually just run one algorithm.”




About the author, JoeriBillast

Fractional CMO
Web3 Marketing Strategist
Bestselling Author on Amazon
Host of the Web3 CMO Stories podcast